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Nancy Kaiser

Drafting - Certified Kitchen Designer, NKBA and UDCP

Designing incredible projects for our clients is a passion and great talent of Nancy's and when she is not busy at work, she enjoys doing remodeling projects on her own home. With over three decades in the industry, she loves to share her knowledge with others. She also enjoys cooking shows on PBS and experimenting with recipes. An avid reader of historical fiction, Nancy also enjoys spending time hiking and going out with friends. Down time for binge watching Netflix gives quality lap time for her kittens, Max and Tipton.

Designing incredible projects for our clients is a passion and great talent of Nancy’s and when she is not busy at work, she enjoys doing remodeling projects on her own home. With over three decades in the industry, she loves to share her knowledge with others. She also enjoys cooking shows on PBS and experimenting with recipes. An avid reader of historical fiction, Nancy also enjoys spending time hiking and going out with friends. Down time for binge watching Netflix gives quality lap time for her kittens, Max and Tipton.