That’s a wrap, well almost.
I’m going Christmas shopping! That’s right, you heard me. Retailers will be heading to buying markets across the country this month to stock up on stocking stuffers for next years holiday season, and I’ll be heading to the Windy City. Its actually a great time to reflect on what was hot and what was not in home decor because it’s fresh on our minds. Delayed shipping means we don’t have to see it until October, so as you can imagine when the boxes start arriving in our warehouse it’s like opening presents we forgot we bought. It’s kind of exciting:)
It’s at this market, those thinking ahead clients, you know the planning kind, wink wink (call us, there is still time), the ones that won’t go through one more season of cutesy, clashy decor again, have us scope out and purchase for their homes. And when we return from market we can officially say “that’s a wrap!” and put away our visions of sugar plums until next season.
Categories: Uncategorized
Tags: christmas, christmas decorating, reindeer